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2020: Persian War

2020: Persian War



The White House Press Secretary has confirmed this morning the rumor going round Capitol Hill since the middle of the night: Iran is suing for peace.

Going through the intermediary of the Indian government, the Iranian Premier has asked for a cessation of fighting “in order for American & Iranian representatives to meet and discuss” a possible end to the war raging for almost three years in the Persian Gulf.

The “Forever War”.

The “Third Gulf War“, or “Persian War” with the involvement of Iran, has come to be more commonly dubbed the “Forever War“, in direct reference to Joe Haldeman’s novel. Started in 2003 with the second US invasion of Iraq, the American war in the Middle East is now in its 17th year, despite several attempts to pull out from the country.

The Second Iran-Iraq War started with the Iranian invasion of the Iraqi province of Basra, on September 7th, 2016. The Iranian government had hoped to seize the oil fields and petrochemical infrastructures, but such a move only triggered an UN-sanctioned intervention. Involving American, British, French, Polish & Canadian troops, operation “Liberty Storm” liberated the Basra province after two months of fighting.

In the wake of the Iranian rout, Bagdad attempted to turn the situation to its advantage by pushing its own troops across the border. Tehran’s answer was a mass-levy of “volunteers” to stop the invaders. Although no other coalition members agreed to commit their forces outside of Iraq, US troops reluctantly went to war with Iran in support of its unprepared Iraqi allies.

2020: Persian War



The Iranians met the invaders with everything they had, and soon the Iraqi army collapsed. From a purely logistical and air support operation, American involvement escalated quickly over the years 2018-2019, with more and more boots being sent on the ground.

Brigadier-General James T. Wittel rose to fame during the Iranian Army’s surprise offensive of February 2019, as deputy commander of 4th Marine Division. Recently reassigned from reserve to active duty, this outfit deployed in a supposedly quiet sector had been identified by Tehran as the weakest link in the US frontline. The Iranian offensive came after a well-timed series of terror attacks against key American infrastructures and command posts. When his commanding officer and most of his staff were killed in a suicide bombing, gen. Wittel managed to quickly reassert command over the division, and prevent the main Iranian offensive to overrun its position.

Not only did his gallant defense foiled the Iranian plans for a quick breakthrough, James Wittel was also able to launch a series of well-aimed armored counter-blows which broke the back of the Iranian offensive. Confirmed in command of the 4th Marine Division, he spearheaded the 2019’s pursuit of the beaten Iranians which brought the US Army halfway to Tehran. 

Breaking from the conservative and limited approach of warfare which had prevailed in the previous decades, gen. Wittel’s daring plan was selected for the 2020 final offensive. Instead of heading straight for Tehran, as the Iranians anticipated, the American troops wheeled South, forcing the Iranian army to accept battle at the place of their choosing, near Isfahan. There, the US Army, with gen. Wittel’s own 4th Marine Division in the lead, trapped and destroyed most of the Revolutionary Guard, Iran’s elite troops.

Tehran’s offer for a cease-fire and peace talks arrived today, less than three days after the US flag was risen over Isfahan’s old royal palace.


2020: Persian War



According to Lieutenant General Nathan B. Woods, former commander of operation “Liberty Storm“, the United States Army was “already stretched to its limits” by the time the Pentagon decided to support the Iraqi Army in Iran. Ongoing deployements were then already taking place in the South China Sea, Libya, Georgia and Sierra Leone.

Although praising the victory at Isfahan, gen. Wood is warning against what could be the “US Army’s swan song“. The United States won’t be able to leave an occupation force in Iran, unless “resorting to unpopular measures” such as “extending the combat service times” or “shortening the rest and refitting times” between tours of duty. According to gen. Woods, such measures would only be a temporary stop-gap, for vehicles and equipments, lacking proper maintenance time, are “already worn out today, (…) I can’t imagine in which state they’ll be had we kept fighting this war for even just six more months“.



  • Oskar
    June 3, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    So excited, can’t wait to play this game =D

  • Ivan Avilar
    June 4, 2015 at 8:43 pm

    Lol, in Iraq was really easy break the army, but the americans get fucked up during the whole intervention, a victory over Iran is hillarious, Iran is not Iraq, they have almost twice population, and they have better economy and military than the iraqi junk armed forces

  • Eduardo Rivera
    June 7, 2015 at 6:20 am

    Ivan, while no one denies the situation at Iraq has been catastrophic, so long as the US army held any real military presence no insurgence group could ever hope to do what ISIS did, it was mostly when USA decided it was time to handle Iraq their own defense and go home as they themselves accorded when things escalated, indeed, no one denies guerrilla warfare is something americans cant handle well, but then who does? Even the Vietnam war was mostly the result of media reaction than any real victory from the Viet Cong, in fact, later the north-vietnamese recognized they had had their forces decimated and from a military point of view the Tet offensive had been a complete disaster.

    When it comes to conventional warfare no nation could match US, particularly not in the last decade with Russia’s military strength struggling to stay on the game given their atrophied economy, the supremacy of the americans in “symmetrical” conflicts is a lesson every military historian has learnt from the experiences of the last 60 years, and in an open fight Iran’s army would be destroyed, then again, the iranians know this, even the staunchest ayatollah know US has the technological, logistic and intel edge, they also know US forces are ill prepared for guerrilla operations and iranian’s government has shown no qualm to use their own population as cannon fodder, however even them know there is a limit to their demographic and economic capabilities. While the americans may eventually win, at a prohibitive cost, it will be both a complete political debacle for the chosen government of turn and a complete economic and social disaster for the iranians, hence a temporal armistice to recover their own respective forces will be the obvious option for both countries.

  • Armin Mahboubi
    June 7, 2015 at 4:32 pm

    Do you think that Iranians will appreciate this kind of fake and mean story and war? I bet not.
    Lots of things are going on now in this world and isn’t stereotyping enough?
    All the humans are all the same and they have feelings too! If somebody else makes a game about destroying U.S.A how could you feel about it? They have that feeling too!! So let us just be friends with other parts of this world. I am completely against this fake story and or any other stories that are made in this game or in any other game. You could have used fake countries, fake areas, fake stories and etc. Let everybody enjoy the game from any culture, religion, race and other countries and let’s not ruin it for fear and darkness.

    • TornadoADV
      June 16, 2015 at 9:52 pm

      They already did, it’s called Act of War : Direct Action (and High Treason expansion).

  • Iranian
    July 4, 2015 at 11:48 pm

    You Americans can do all the fantasizing you want in your video games and movies, but you will never dare to really cross Iran in the real world. american leaders know that they can not win, if they saw the slightest chance in winning a military confrontation with Iran they would have attacked years ago. just look at that Hi-tech stealth drone they sent to spy on Iran, Iranian air defence not only detected it, but they took control and landed it and then reverse-engineered it.
    so keep having fun with your games.

      • Redlegarmybrat
        July 17, 2015 at 5:26 am

        mysides.exe have stopped working XD LOL

  • M48A5K
    July 8, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    Wow. Tank with a Zulfiqar turret and K1 chassis.

  • Parsa
    November 23, 2015 at 11:50 am

    2020: The biggest economy crisis happened in USA, since 1930.
    2025: Breakout of violence in south east states of USA.
    2028: China and European Union are officially the new superpowers in the world
    2030: End of the 100 years USA leadership.

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